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"It's okay" How many times do we hear this? Often, correct? But how many times when we say it do we actually really mean it? It's almost as if it is programmed for us to say it. And we say it, it's monotone and robotic. I know the times I have said it, I didn't mean it. It was just a normal natural response. A quick response to something or said to just get past the situation to avoid speaking about something. Or to avoid conflict.  I was never good with conflicts either. My emotions get the best of me. And I see myself in my daughter very much. Those who know Sarai, know that she has a very hard time identifying and expressing her emotions. Which would in many cases lead her into have a sensory meltdown. She could not tell us what was bothering her or making her feel uncomfortable and that would cause her to lose control and just melt down. It was very hard for the both of us and especially for others around us who were not aware of what was going on....
Recent posts

Meltdowns VS Tantrums

Today was a rough day. For both Sarai and I. It was a day full tantrums AND meltdowns. Because now I have learned to distinguish the both and can now explain to others as well. Let me take you back for a bit... It started around when she was 1.5 years old. And we all did what everyone else would do and assume it was typical normal toddler behavior. Better known as the "terrible twos". But I started noticing something was not quite right.  And whenever I would express my concerns I would either get your infamous eye roll or "she's just spoiled" response. Her "tantrums" would take up half the day. And I just remember being so overwhelmed because I just had no idea what I was doing wrong or how to handle this situation. It became so frequent. Now let's get this straight. I try to educate people because people seem to think a TANTRUM and a MELTDOWN are the same things. They are NOT. Let that burn in your brains as you read this. They...

How we got here...

Hey! So this is my first blog post! For those who don't know who I am, I'm Cynthia. Or just plain Cyn. I am a mother to a really cool 5 year old sass-a-frass girl. Sarai. She is pretty much my heart in human form. Walking around, wearing pink bows and playing with her dolls and drawing Peppa Pig. Or drawing her dad with a hitler mustache. I work a lot. And when I am not working, I devote my time to my daughter. Always and constantly advocating for her. And in the process, educating myself learning all that I can so I can educate other's. Sarai is definitely not your typical little 5 year old girl. She questions everything, anything and everyone. And our answers are sometimes never enough for her which can cause her to become frustrated.  Well it's been some time since I have actually written anything. I remember being able to write with ease and just being inspired all the time. And then life hit me and I got older. And all the things I used to love and all the ...